Ok, let's try to get back to our regularly scheduled programming. We moved...we moved across the country...and now we are in the midst of unpacking and getting settled into a new routine. As a result I neglected my blog, but I hope to put an end to that now.
So, for this week's gluten-free item, I am choosing the very new and shiny book gluten-free girl and the chef. This was written by the very talented couple Shauna James and Daniel Ahern, who write the beautifully put together blog, gluten-fee girl and the chef. I ordered the book Thursday on Amazon, and it arrived today.
The nicest thing about this book are the photos. I mean, who likes to get cook books with no photos, because part of the pleasure of creating food is the visual of it. And these photos make me want to dive into this book, make a grocery list and start cooking! And the best part, it is all gluten-free!
Ooh..I'll have to check it out. A cookbook without photos is never a good idea. I like to see what the final outcome will be, not to mention get motivated to cook!